
Se afișează postări din martie, 2009

Cine-a pus magiun pe clantza?

Citesc zilele astea un mesaj de la unul dintre sefii stabilimentului in care lucrez care se cheama "Another Procedure". Mesajul se cheama asa, desigur, sefu nu conteaza cum e botezat. Deja mi se umflase o vena pe frunte cand am vazut cum ii zice, caci ma asteptam sa se mai nasca inca o procedura monstruoasa pe quality/risk/management. Dar nu domne, surpriza, procedura e de alta natura. Reproduc mai jos textul in integralitate caci mi s-a parut genial: "Hi Guys I can not believe that I have to send such a message but as I personally did no notice any improvement I have no other choice As some of you may have noticed, the male toilets are from time to time left in an unacceptable status. This is a question of respect for our colleagues but also for the persons who are responsible for cleaning this place in the evening. As we are all grown up people and as we can no longer expect our mothers to clean everything after we left a room, may I gently remind you to: - turn back a...