
Se afișează postări din 2012

Trip to the other side of the world returns

Costa Rica paints the most striking picture with paradise like nature parks compensated, actually over compensated by poverty ridden cities, where people literally hide behind fences. Every building, store, house is protected by a fence with crushed glass on top , barbwire, electrified fence or sometimes all of the above. I haven’t seen any tar pits or moats with crocodiles, but then again I didn’t venture myself beyond the gates. Our guide tried to reassure us that the architecture was part of the local culture, but walking the streets of San Jose made crossing Ferentari at night (those who don’t know this part of Bucharest should try it) like kids play. Is that kind of watch your back sensation that you get from the first day and follows your everywhere there is people around. Breaking into the vault of the FED must have been less troublesome than the procedure we had to go through when we decided to go inside an electronics store to ask for a memory card adaptor. First...

Impresii de toamna

Am avut weeekend-ul asta in sfarsit cateva zile de toamna frumoasa, caci desi era deja aici de prin august, ne-a arata pana acum mai mult ploaie si nori – specialitatea casei. Mi-am incarcat bateriile la aparatul foto de cu seara si de dimineata, dupa un mic dejun consistent am pornit usor catre Kopstal si Bridel. Sunt doua sate mai impadurite, mai degraba aproape de Belgia, linistite si aranjate deci perfecte pentru plimbare. Toamna nu e anotimpul meu preferat, ci vara, dar asta nu ma impiedica sa privesc fascinat ore in sir dansul frunzelor de pe crengi pana pe pamant.     Prefer vara nu pentru e mai frumoasa, ci pentru ca e mai vie, mai vibranta chiar si cand caldura te stoarce de puteri. Toamna ma intristeaza, ma face sa ma gandesc la viata si la calatoria pe care o facem si la sfarsitul ei. Coincidenta sau nu in ultima vreme subiectul principal al discutiilor pe care il am cu prietenii e acelasi. Parerile sunt impartile si suficiente ca...