
Se afișează postări din 2011

Trip to the other side of the world

It had taken me one month of planning and coordination (my brother came from Bucuresti), but there I was in JFK*s AA Terminal, waiting anxiously for my flight to take off. The other part of America, low rise and much more low profile, was a mere four hours away, waiting to be discovered. Fast forward through all the waiting, reading and eating peanuts, I land in Cancun after a passenger's dream come true – an uneventful flight. The air is so heavy and thick, it feels like I’m breathing through a wet sponge. It takes me more than 30 minutes to adjust after coming out from the leveled temperature of the terminal. I think about lighting a cigarette, bu t as quickly as the thought appears I chase it away, cause I quit smoking a while ago and I’m not about to give in (again) into (this) temptation. A short, but friendly looking Mexican comes out of nowhere and pulls at my luggage asking me at the same time where do I need to go. - “Terminal 2” I reply, and before I could say anything...

AMERICA - bucata cu bucata (compendiu bilingv) II

..Al Pacino, Negutatorul din Venetia, Broadway... Reteta perfecta pentru un sfarsit de saptamana perfect nu-i asa? am asteptat trei luni de zile in New York, si poate o viata in Romania, pentru momentul asta..doar ca sa descopar ca teatrul romanesc e la fel de bun, daca nu si mai sufar de mandrie prosteasca si nu ridic Romania in slavi de cate ori am ocazia, dar Azilul de Noapte (ca de exemplu) a fost mult mai mestesugit jucata si pusa in scena decat Merchant of Venice... nu cred ca limba a facut diferenta aici si nici autorul, ci cred ca pasiunea cu care Marin Moraru, Mircea Albulescu, Gheorghe Dinica (ca sa-i numesc doar pe cativa din cei pe care i-am vazut pe scena) au reusit sa dea viata piesei. . .pacat ca teatrul si filmul romanesc nu au in spate masina de marketing americana - asa as fi luat un autograf de la Victor Rebengiuc pe Broadway... …it has been a little bit over three months, but walking the streets of the city finally paid off…i’ve crossed paths today with a c...