Foreign language

I once promised someone that I will write posts in English. It’s unusual, it’s difficult, some may hate it and think I’m playing smart but some of you who know me well enough, know better. A promise is a promise and a man who cannot keep his promise should be shot. Several times.

By the way, how long does it take to know somebody? A month, a year or maybe ten? Can you dictate based on what you’ve seen that you grasped a pattern of their behaviour? How many times an action makes a pattern? Do people change?

I guess there is no recipe for knowing. Most people don’t know themselves at all and they have been spending their life in their own company. It just depends on how much effort you want to throw in and how much you’re willing to let go of your prejudice and of habit of judging people based on your own past experience. Nowadays people don’t take the time anymore. We’re living in an era of fast cars, fast food and all done by the press of a button. Everything has to be instant, quick, convenient, easy or preferably successful from the first try. But that’s exactly what we are getting – surface impressions, nothing of substance, nothing that lasts.

Do people change? Some never do and is because they won’t not because they can’t. But most learn and adapt (or both at the same time), that’s how we got this far as a species. You just need the right amount of stimulant applied for the right amount of time (love or fear will usually do) and you can see people doing things they have never done before.

Both of the above need the same resources: time and patience. Sometimes the results are worth it and sometimes not. But you will never know if you don’t give it a shot (and here I’m ingeniously making a link to my first paragraph so that my readers see the circle close).

It’s just a thought…


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