AMERICA - bucata cu bucata (compendiu bilingv)
...bastinasii sunt mai politicosi decat ma asteptam. Ciudat... “Excuse me” si “Pardon me” pentru orice chestie, cat de mica cu care li se pare ca te-au deranjat. Ceea ce e foarte probabil sa se intample avand in vedere puhoaiele de oameni care se revarsa pe strazi la orice ora din zi sau din noapte.....le place sa stea la coada in mod organizat. Pentru orice. Daca in tarile comuniste statul la coada era umilitor si degradant, coada e aici garantia calitatii, certificatul de “tried and tested”. asa se hotarasc probabil sa cumpere hot dogs sau bagels de la unul dintre miile de vanzatori ambulanti, plantati la fiecare colt de strada.
...”could you please smoke further away from the door?” asked an angry little lady to a guy smoking outside of a restaurant. „smoke is coming in and is bothering me” said her and hurried back inside beaming with pride for this hit and run. the guy didn’t say anything but moved sheepishly.Thank God I quit, I said to myself from the other side of the street, cause I would have risked being hit with a stick or something if smoking closer than 100 meters from any living creature.
...apropo de multime. Incep sa-i inteleg pe parizienii care-i urasc pe turisti. ma duc in Macy's sa-mi cumpar o camasa, o soseata. nu fac mai mult de zece pasi de la intrarea in magazin. o suta de mii de turisti (europeni din cate imi dau seama dupa o scanare rapida) casca gura la izmenele din rafturi si le fac poze ca lu' Mona Lisa in Louvre. nu cumpara nimic, fac poze. ce mama dracu frate, n-ati mai vazut magazine? ma intorc pe calcaie si ies, nu inainte de sa le doresc la fiecare un cavity search data viitoare cand or veni in America.
....a huge horse, the size of a tractor, almost brushed me while I was waiting to cross the street in front of the Museum of Modern Art. the rider, a policeman sipping relaxed a Starbucks tall cafe latte didn't seem to mind that I almost fell on my ass, heart racing. he guided his Trojan horse through the busy intersection. how did he get the coffee, I thought after my pulse dropped to a normal beat, cause I didn't see Starbucks with drive through. next day the mistery unraverld when another cop walked out of a subterranean parking lot dragging his horse. aha, so thats where they’ve been keeping them. how would you feel when going back to your car and find a horse standing right beside it? i bet you would probably wish you didn't smoke that joint last time you went to Amsterdam - the effects seem to be long lasting.
...bastinasii sunt mai politicosi decat ma asteptam. Ciudat... “Excuse me” si “Pardon me” pentru orice chestie, cat de mica cu care li se pare ca te-au deranjat. Ceea ce e foarte probabil sa se intample avand in vedere puhoaiele de oameni care se revarsa pe strazi la orice ora din zi sau din noapte.....le place sa stea la coada in mod organizat. Pentru orice. Daca in tarile comuniste statul la coada era umilitor si degradant, coada e aici garantia calitatii, certificatul de “tried and tested”. asa se hotarasc probabil sa cumpere hot dogs sau bagels de la unul dintre miile de vanzatori ambulanti, plantati la fiecare colt de strada.
...”could you please smoke further away from the door?” asked an angry little lady to a guy smoking outside of a restaurant. „smoke is coming in and is bothering me” said her and hurried back inside beaming with pride for this hit and run. the guy didn’t say anything but moved sheepishly.Thank God I quit, I said to myself from the other side of the street, cause I would have risked being hit with a stick or something if smoking closer than 100 meters from any living creature.
...apropo de multime. Incep sa-i inteleg pe parizienii care-i urasc pe turisti. ma duc in Macy's sa-mi cumpar o camasa, o soseata. nu fac mai mult de zece pasi de la intrarea in magazin. o suta de mii de turisti (europeni din cate imi dau seama dupa o scanare rapida) casca gura la izmenele din rafturi si le fac poze ca lu' Mona Lisa in Louvre. nu cumpara nimic, fac poze. ce mama dracu frate, n-ati mai vazut magazine? ma intorc pe calcaie si ies, nu inainte de sa le doresc la fiecare un cavity search data viitoare cand or veni in America.
....a huge horse, the size of a tractor, almost brushed me while I was waiting to cross the street in front of the Museum of Modern Art. the rider, a policeman sipping relaxed a Starbucks tall cafe latte didn't seem to mind that I almost fell on my ass, heart racing. he guided his Trojan horse through the busy intersection. how did he get the coffee, I thought after my pulse dropped to a normal beat, cause I didn't see Starbucks with drive through. next day the mistery unraverld when another cop walked out of a subterranean parking lot dragging his horse. aha, so thats where they’ve been keeping them. how would you feel when going back to your car and find a horse standing right beside it? i bet you would probably wish you didn't smoke that joint last time you went to Amsterdam - the effects seem to be long lasting.
mercic de aceste prime randuri manhatiene/ manhatoase :)
pe curanduri,